
Showing posts from September, 2018

And so it begins...diagnosis and plan

Hey there blogger world! So, a little about me and why I'm on here...C.R.E.S.T. In 2009, I began to develop a hard bump in both of my elbows. The left side was faster progressing, but I had one in each. I also had a host of other ailments that, kind of just started happening. Random things that effect everyone, you know, like acid reflux, trouble swallowing, cold fingers and toes, trouble sleeping...things I contributed to getting older or stress. I would talk to my doctor about them and she would prescribe me acid-blockers, or offer anti-anxiety meds, said I have a cyst in the elbow, and hey, let's work on stress reduction...we've all heard it. We've all put out little fires and totally miss the forest burning all around us...amiright??? In dealing with these little fires, I had begun to look for healthier alternatives in my choices. I was eating fewer animal proteins and more veggies. I was drinking a super-powerful anti-oxidant beverage once a day, and I had