And so it begins...diagnosis and plan

Hey there blogger world!

So, a little about me and why I'm on here...C.R.E.S.T.

In 2009, I began to develop a hard bump in both of my elbows. The left side was faster progressing, but I had one in each. I also had a host of other ailments that, kind of just started happening. Random things that effect everyone, you know, like acid reflux, trouble swallowing, cold fingers and toes, trouble sleeping...things I contributed to getting older or stress.

I would talk to my doctor about them and she would prescribe me acid-blockers, or offer anti-anxiety meds, said I have a cyst in the elbow, and hey, let's work on stress reduction...we've all heard it. We've all put out little fires and totally miss the forest burning all around us...amiright???

In dealing with these little fires, I had begun to look for healthier alternatives in my choices. I was eating fewer animal proteins and more veggies. I was drinking a super-powerful anti-oxidant beverage once a day, and I had started using essential oils for literally everything. I had gotten rid of chemicals in my home via fabric softener, cleaning agents, deodorant, make-up, you name it, I had switched it out for a healthier version. 

So, jump to 2018. I have a weird pain in my left elbow, but no cut/bruise. And it's swollen. Now, my belief of what is happening to my elbow is still that it's a cyst. It's grown wider as the years have progressed, but doc says we can only remove it if it becomes "angry." Her words. I try to make an appointment to have it confirmed that it's a cyst and talk about removal, but she can't fit me in. So, I go down to the urgent care because, now it's HOT. This is April.

Urgent care physician's assistant decides that he's just not convinced that this thing is a cyst, and by the way, what are these spots on your hands and face, and let's talk more about the fingers and toes thing, how long have you had that cough, and let's get an x-ray! About an hour later, he says I think you have a connective tissue disorder called scleroderma...

Things kind of go dark at that moment. I know what scleroderma is. I've lost 2 aunts, 2 uncles, and one great-uncle to scleroderma...Ho.Ly. Crap.

So, I have a COMPLETE breakdown, it lasts a few days.

I see a rheumatologist in July 2018 and she says - yep, you have scleroderma. She follows up with lots of tests and here's the breakdown of symptoms we were able to round up:

C - calcinosis - that's what's in the elbows, also in 2 fingers.
R - reynaud's disorder - the cold fingers and toes - is a result of shrinking capillaries in my extremities - which results in lack of blood flow.
E - esophageal dysfunction - difficulty swallowing/inhibited peristalsis - the food doesn't move well.
S - sclerodactyly - thick layers or patches of skin on the hands or feet.
T - telangiectasia - small red spots on my face and white spots/patches on my hands, feet, legs...

The scleroderma has also caused acid reflux, difficulty breathing, insomnia, persistent cough, hypothyroidism, pulmonary hypertension, muscle weakness, and maybe even more...everyday is a new experience.

So, why am I on here and what am I sharing?

I am tackling this, as much as I can, with the support of essential oils. I use a digestive blend before bed to support my body with the reflux. I use the oils to support the lungs, sleep, support my throat so that long tube can work on my ability to name it, I'm using it or getting my hands on it.

The result? I'm better than I could be. I wasn't managing this disease for 9 years because I was completely in the dark that I had it. But, I WAS actively looking to feel better. I was battling all of these symptoms and couldn't figure out why they were happening. Now, I know. Now, I can give my body the additional support it needs to do what it has to do. Multivitamins, a scleroderma oil blend, all natural lotions/soaps, antioxidants...I am actively participating in my health.

This is my journey living with scleroderma and using the power of nature, in conjunction with modern medicine, and living a full life.

I will be posting about what oils I am using, what supplements, how I'm feeling, and who knows what else!! Comment or email me if you're interested in the oils. There are some things you should know before you go buy a bottle from the corner need the good stuff.

Join me. 😀
